June 14th The Chief Desires of the Sacred Heart by Rev. R.F. Clarke, S.J.
While our Lord was upon earth. He several
times expressed to His Apostles what He had most
at heart, and what was the work He had chiefly
come to perform. He told them that He had
come to send fire on the earth, and asked them
what else they could expect Him to desire except
that that fire should speedily be enkindled. (St.
Luke xii. 49.) Yes, Jesus came to kindle on earth
the fire of Divine Love. Does this fire burn
brightly in my heart, and do I fulfil His longing
that it should be kindled more and more in me? This fire was not merely the fire of love to God, it was also the fire of mutual charity amongst men. When Christ came, hatred, jealousy, selfishness, strife were the order of the day. He came to spread charity, self-sacrifice, peace, mutual good-will. Yet how faintly this flame burns in my cold heart! How much of selfishness and ill-feeling and petty jealousy still remains there! This fire of love to God and man gives birth to another fire, which also consumes the Sacred Heart of Jesus, and burns in the hearts of all who love Him; the fire of zeal tor souls and a desire to labor and suffer for them. How this fire burned in the hearts of the saints--of St. Paul, St. Francis Xavier, St. Vincent de Paul, St. Alphonsus Liguori! How eager they were to bring others to God! how unselfish in their exertions in their behalf! I must pray for more of that true zeal that animated the saints of God. |